We are back immediately johnny was open the other by her second battling cancer that's the big in remission for 25 years now Libya says there are two therapies that are transforming the way she thinks about health. I wanna get to those but just to get us started 25 years ago when you were diagnosed you went through chemotherapy this time around you decided I'm not into it anymore well it really wasn't even recommended for me but I don't read statistics because I don't believe in reading them because then you become part of that and I'm not a statistic I'm me so I don't know what is usually done for people but they did initially put me on estrogen blockers but I reacted so badly to them that I took myself off them because it made me really depressed and again that wasn't quality of life so I use a lot of natural therapies for that and and you see weeds and all the natural things that I can for Esther new blockers and broccoli and cruciferous vegetables and all that and there's a lot of products that have natural estrogen pockets it takes a little while to learn them you're blessed to be married to someone who's yes that's pretty but yes I'm I'm interested in part because I have friends who have advanced stages of breast cancer and other cancers as well and we're all hoping and I actually believe that in many of these will become chronic illnesses you may die 25 years with your cancer yes you know in the future but you won't die from the cancer is that your hope yeah I believe in that you know I don't believe in this fighting cancer thing because I believe that creates inflammation anger it's more like I'm gonna win over you I don't need you right I'm supposed the Jedi mind-trick medicinal marijuana is something that our audience knows I've been aggressively touting is something we should study more yes has it played a role in your recovery yes medicinal cannabis is a big part of my recovery and initially my husband is a medicine man really a plant medicine man and he grows because we live in California so we can he grows cannabis for me and makes teachers and the pain relief was incredible even from the first the first time even just a few drops of the tinctures it made such a difference to me that we're totally believe in it but our government says it doesn't work have you read their works yeah well I know it does and I've been fighting for it too in Australia where them the laws are even stricter than here I'm I'm living proof that it works and they're doing studies in Israel you probably know about them and my husband is actually going to Israel next month um to talk to the scientists over there because they are curing cancers with cannabis and different strains react to different illnesses so it's not just cancer it's Parkinson's and MS and all the autism and epilepsy we know for children of course but really it's a healing herb you sure subscribe to my channel so you don't miss anything and remember to check back often to see what's new.
Olivia Newton-John Speaks Out About Cancer and Marijuana
Reviewed by Admin
May 04, 2019
Rating: 5
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